When we work with several excel files and use formula to get the work done, we intentionally or unintentionally create links between different files. Normal formula links can be easily broken by using break links option.
When we break links between two files, the values that were dynamically pulled by linked file become static. And this is what we want. But some times the break links option doesn't work properly. For such cases, we have this article. This article can help you if you have problem breaking links in Excel file.
Paul2 October 30, 2019, 6:57pm #11. Version 7 of Architect does not reproduce hidden hyperlinks by printing. If you look to produce pdf with websites, the print option in Opera browser keeps hidden hyperlinks functional. With Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer: no way to keep hidden hyperlinks in the pdf document produced. Pixie hollow create a fairy.
Re: excel hyperlink not working when saved to PDF. Hi Ursul, the suggestion in that link didn't work for me even thou doPDF is installed. In fact, i have already did some google search before i post this thread but couldn't find a fix. I've tried =hyperlink; i have tried save as / print; downsave my spreadsheet etc, but all just didnt work. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Link. You can also right-click the cell or object and then click Link on the shortcut menu, or you can press Ctrl+K. Under Link to, click Existing File or Web Page. Do one of the following: To select a file, click Current Folder, and then click the file that you want to link to. There are several situations where users have complained about the inactivity of the hyperlinks that are added within their documents. In such conditions where the hyperlink is not working in PDF, it can be directed across several reasons that may have been one of the reasons why the PDF links not work in your file.
Excel Pdf Link Not Working
Break Links Between Files Effectively
Now if you are working with multiple files and your final file has links to other files that you don't want to keep, just follow these steps:
Go to Data --> Edit Links. Here you will see all the links to the file. Select the link and click on the break links option.
This should break the link to selected file.
Now sometimes it happens that the break link button is dimmed out and does not work. And sometimes the break link option button is working but id does not break links. Let's see each case and solve them.
1. Break links button is dimmed out
Sometimes when you click on the edit links menu for breaking the links between the excel files, the break links button gets dimmed out and becomes non functional. It happens when the sheet or the workbook is protected. You need to unprotect the sheet or the workbook.
Go to Review and click on the button unprotect sheet.
It is possible that the sheet is protected using a password. You will need to enter that password. Once the sheet is unprotected, the button for breaking the link will be functional.
This was an usual case. There are some unusual cases of breaking links that does not seem to work properly.
2. Breaking link dialog box pops up every time workbook is opened.
Now this is an rare case but annoying one. Sometimes we break the links to the source file but when reopen the file main file, it again shows the break link dialog box. The links are not actually removed.
It happens when the file has data validations linked to other files. Normal link breaking does work on these. In such cases do this.
1. First Duplicate the file and save it. Now start working on the duplicate file so that your main file is safe.
2. Check the data validation if they contain links to external files. Remove them.
2. Similarly check the conditional formatting formulas you have used. If they contain links to external files then remove them to. Make these conditional formatting local.
3. Check Chart series ranges. If they contain ranges from different workbook, remove them. Do check the headers. We often link the headers to a cell.
4. Check the named ranges used from different workbook. This is a rare one. But to be on the safe side check for the named ranges if they contain range from external file. Remove or amend them to suit you.
When you have checked all these. Try again to remove the links and save the duplicate file. I am sure that all the external links that you wanted to remove, will be removed from the main file
I hope this was helpful. If you have any doubts regarding this topic or any other Excel/VBA related topic, ask me in the comments section below. Till than keep excelling.
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The other day I needed to create a PDF file. I had written my latest e-book on Secrets of Successful Blogging in MS Word. This ebook contains a lot of very useful links for the reader. Before publishing it, I wanted to convert this MS Word ebook in PDF format. There are several methods available for such a conversion. Now even MS Word has built-in support for PDF printing. So, it should not have been difficult at all for me. But I created the PDF file using a third party plugin of MS Word. PDF file was all fine but a strange problem crept in. Hyperlinks given in the MS Word document were not working in the newly created PDF.
Links (both web URLs and email address links) in PDF were formatted in blue color and underline (the way they were in MS Word) but they were not clickable. It was important for me to make these links in PDF work. So, I asked Google and did a bit of research on it.
I found that this problem was faced by many people. In several forums plugins and online PDF services were suggested as the solution of this problem.
I tried installing a few plugins in MS Word 2007 to be able to print PDF with clickable links. These plugin included word2pdf free version. I also tried online PDF services like pdfonline but no luck! Links in the PDF file still refused to work.
Excel Print To Pdf Links Not Working
I also tried standalone software like CutePDF, but still, links did not work!
However, thankfully, soon I found a solution!
Excel Pdf Links Not Working On Iphone
If links are not working in your PDF, you should use the Export feature of MS Word 2013 or Save As feature of MS Word 2007. When I exported my ebook as a PDF, I found that all the links in PDF were intact and clickable.
Open your document in MS Word 2013
Go to File menu and then select Export To option. Then click PDF or XPS. Save the file.
Open your document in MS Word 2007
Go to Office Orb button in top-left corner and then select Save As option. Then click PDF or XPS. Save the file.
The message from this small tip is that, you do not need any third-party plugin or online PDF creator to print the PDF file. Just use built-in facility in MS Word and links in PDF will work without any problem.
If you have a document that you created with any version lower than 2007, you can always find a machine with 2007 or 2013 and get a PDF file with perfectly working links.
Excel Pdf Links Not Working On Mac
I hope this was useful information for you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions on this topic. Thank you for using TechWelkin.